
¡Hola Hola! Here, in an attempt to bilingual-blog(!), I will document my México experience! I plan on dishing out the deets on my six-week Cuernavaca stay including (but by no means limited to); my immersion into the culture and the language, any random adventures that I may happen upon, weekend travels to D.F. and other breath-taking sights, and, of course, a full report on the delicious cuisine (tacostacos). Kick back and enjoy the adventures as I 'Make Some Big Jumps' and explore our southern-most neighbor!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

come on, estomago, man up

So I have been rattling off how much I absolutely love México, which is so true. That fact of that infinite México-love has not changed since my last blog post, rest assured friends and family. But there are two things that I really do not dig about México, let me elaborate briefly before my three-hour-long Gonzaga class.

1. If I haven´t already said this, I despise the machismo society here. Definitely not a fan. If you are not familiar with what I speak here, I will elaborate in a later blog post.
2. Off of that, I really don´t enjoy the fact that it´s not culturally acceptable for women to walk around or go places by themselves, other than the grocery store or to the pharmacy that is nearby. Especially for gringas. Makes me feel as though a sliver of independence has shrivelled up from my free-spirited ways.
[okay, so there are actually three things that I really do not dig about México, here is the third...]
3. Really not a big fan of how much my stomach really does not bode well with any of the spicyness that I eat. For the first week or so, my stomach was fine, absolutely normal and lovin what I was throwin it´s way. But after the first week and a half, my stomach was hooting and hollering and not likin whatever I was ingesting. So I did some self-diagnosis and realized that it is salsa and anything really spicy that makes my stomach go haywire. So much for salsa at every meal... psh, thanks estomago. I make sure that I don´t eat too spicy stuff on a regular basis so I can save my stomach annoyances for the times when I want that reallyyyyy good-lookin taco or just can´t help but down that mole that sitting on the enchiladas in front of me. And you better believe that these stomach things won´t stop me from bringing back my mamás bomb-ass salsa recipe.


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